Coal News: German children try to elope to get married

This warmed my heart when I caught it on

2 German children, aged 6 and 5 tried to elope. That’s right. They wanted to elope and get married in Africa.

The children left their homes at dawn while their unwitting parents were apparently sleeping, and took along Mika’s seven-year-old sister, Anna-Lena, as a witness to the wedding.

Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way condoning children running away at all. I just find it sweet and silly how children so young could think that they could escape to a foreign country and ‘elope’ together. And bringing along a witness as well!!

Thankfully, the German authorities caught them before this story could turn negative.

I am glad the children are back safe with their families.

8 thoughts on “Coal News: German children try to elope to get married

  1. @Sugabelly: Lol, awww come on, the story is still cute. When I was 5, I didn’t know where any other countries were, other than the ones I knew lol.

  2. Because the beautiful republic of “Africa” is next door. It’s a cute story but these cute children will grow into cute fucking stupid adults that don’t know a single African country but all want to go on “safaris”.


  3. actually, they tried to run away a 2nd time while their parents were napping. apparently, one of their fathers headed them off at the pass – uh – train stations.

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